Mindful Practice | Progressive Relaxation Therapy

Mindfulness Practice

KabatZinn has defined mindfulness meditation as “the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally”. By focusing on the breath, the idea is to cultivate attention on the body and mind as it is moment to moment, and so help with pain, both physical and emotional.

Mindful practice can be in the form of guided visual or progressive relaxation practice; Frequently the two styles of mindful practice are included together during a session.

Progressive Relaxation for calming anxiety

A technique in which the individual is trained to relax the entire body by becoming aware of tensions in various muscle groups and then relaxing one muscle group at a time. In some cases, the individual consciously tenses specific muscles or muscle groups and then releases tension to achieve relaxation throughout the body. Also called Jacobson relaxation method; progressive muscle relaxation. [developed by U.S. physician Edmund Jacobson (1888–1983)]

Who is it for?

It is predominantly used to assist clients in finding easily accessible ways to calm anxiety or used for anyone who wishes to explore ways of deep relaxation whilst maintaining awareness without going to sleep.

Progressive Relaxation is a useful tool that once learnt, anyone can apply for themselves at home to support their mental health and manage symptoms related to anxiety.

What it isn’t….

Progressive Relaxation is NOT a replacement or alternative to professional medical assistance. It is always recommended that you consult your GP and/or Psychologist prior to engaging in Progressive Relaxation Therapy for management of anxiety and related disorders.

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